What We Do

  • A. Sponsorship / Partnership Coordination

    A. Sponsorship / Partnership Coordination

    Identify brands, companies and other sponsors for tours, showcases, releases and more.

  • B. Unique Retail / Digital Opportunities

    B. Unique Retail / Digital Opportunities

    Find appropriate and exclusive merch, social and web opportunities for new and existing releases, campaigns, etc.

  • C. Improve Existing Revenue Streams

    C. Improve Existing Revenue Streams

    Maximize current income opportunities from online and in-person audiences, streaming, touring and more.

  • D. Consulting: Label / Operations / Corporate

    D. Consulting: Label / Operations / Corporate

    Ensure current and future partnership and collaboration endeavors are fair and favorable.

What [Else] We Do

  • c/o Our Global Network of Industry Professionals

    c/o OUr Global Network of Industry Professionals

    A variety of in-house or external support services from top professionals around the world to support everything from content creation to business management.

  • A. Creative Services / Content Creation

    A. Creative Services / Content Creation

    Logos | Graphic design | Video production | Copywriting

  • B. Digital Strategy + Tactics

    B. Digital Strategy + Tactics

    Social media | Website | Online presence | Digital ad campaigns

  • C. Legal / Technological / Business Oversight

    C. Legal / Technological / Business Oversight

    Contract law | Entertainment law | Financial management | Representation